四级真题及答案下载,四级真题及答案下载 网盘

nihdff 2024-07-12 37


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  1. 2014年四级真题及答案?
  2. 2019年英语四级真题及答案?
  3. 2019年英语四级听力真题及答案?
  4. 20年四级英语真题及答案?
  5. 2021四级原题及答案?


1.He has not cleared the apartment since his mother's visit.

2.They might as well take the next bus.

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3.She has to do extra work for a few days.

4.He failed to do what he promised to do.

5.The woman does not like horror films.

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6.The speakers share a common view on love.


1.An extended lifespan in the future will allow people to h***e more careers than now.

2.Because of their longer lifespan,young people today no longer follow the pattern of life of their parents or grandparents.

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3.Extending one's career h***e positive effects.


1.His students had trouble geting on with each other.

2.A great number of students stayed at school to do their homework.

3.His students were struggling to follow his lessons.

4.A group of children were playing chess after school.

5.Visit a chess team.


1.Resturants should calculate the tips for customers.

2.Customers should pay more tips to help improve service.

3.Waiters deserve better than just relying on tips for a living.

4.Waiters should be paid by employers instead of customers.



1.It is essentinlly how Jessica Hagy starts her day a lot of time thinking about what 's interesting to her.

2.If someone is making up some conversation that might be interesting,it is probably not going to land well.

3.It motivates people to seek information.





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